Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Cheeky bit o' Monk action

Had a discussion about The Monks with a tutor on Monday, as I want to do 60s inspired things for my final major project.  He seemed pretty impressed that I knew every band he suggested.  BOO YA.  Clearly I have been obsessing about this stuff for way too long.  My aim in life is to be a proper anorak about 60s band folk and that.

Anyhoo, I have decided I want to be in The Monks.  I could be a token nun instead maybe?  An idea for a mock band!  The Petit Pois side project.  A fake side project for a current fake band.  I am already drifting away from what I want to do for this project and rambling.  Oh dear...

Two random paragraphs when all I wanted to point out was that The Monks are G and an early inspiration for my 'Pattern' project.

The first blog...

I feel I should kick things off with a pointless post about nothing.  Frankly all blogs are about nothing, but bloggers are not willing to accept this.  Hm.

Anyway, tutors at college insist that we art folk must have blogs in order to post influences and that, so I have given in.  I don't know how the world of art college coped before blogs if they're this necessary.

I probably shouldn't rant as at some point a tutor may read this and realise I am a miserable git
but life goes on.

A random drawing to begin things:
(if I can work out how to attach images)
Deep stuff.