These are two rather bad attempts at embroidery. They had mixed reviews, but Frank quite liked them. I wanted to experiment with embroidery after the exhibition for the Chinese robes, and as I am going to make merchandise for The Petits Pois, I also wanted to incorporate some kind of symbolism. I have decided to focus on circles as the main pattern for my images now. Clearly the circular idea failed for these embroideries, as they are obviously STARS, but I will retry this and just sew more lines in order to create more of a circle.
I used black thread for one and white for the other, as a few robes had used thread and fabric of the same colour. However, most had used different colours. I had a few comments from puzzled people as to quite why I was using black thread on black paper, but personally I prefer the outcome of this to the white on black. It is more subtle, whereas the white thread somehow looks childish and messy.
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